Employee Management Pgm: The Employee Hub

The Employee Hub

  • Add and search for employees

  • Access from Employee menu in Main screen, or by using the Hub icon

  • [Cnv- missing icon on original]

Search for an Employee

  • Search by Name or SSN

  • Searching for all active employees by checking the Show Actives Only and pressing Search will display all active employees

Edit an Employee

  1. Search for employee

  2. Right-click on name and select Edit Employee or double click on employee name in hub

  3. Edit Employee Screen will open

Import Hours from the Time Clock

  • Import employee hours from the Time Clock from the Main screen, or from the Hours tab of the Edit Employee Information screen

Import Hours from Main Screen

  • You can import hours for one, or for multiple employees at same time.

  • Access Import Time Clock screen from Technical->Utilities->Import Hours

[Cnv- missing icon on original]

  1. Select the Begin and End dates from the drop downs or select a preset date range from the drop down to the right

  2. Press the Load button

  3. Available Time Clock data will display in columns

    • Social Security Number

    • Name

    • Import- boxes will be checked to import hours

    • Period Ending- date that employee clocked in

    • Hours- amount of time that is available to be imported

    • Current Hours- amount of time that already displays for that date in the Hours tab of the Edit Employee Information screen

      • Formatted in hours:minutes

      • If time already exists in this field, user may have already imported the time or entered Paid Leave time

  1. Check the boxes in the Import column to indicate the hours that are to be imported

    • The Mark All button may be used to check all boxes at once

    • The Clear All button may be used to uncheck all the boxes that have been checked

  2. Press the Import button once all appropriate boxes are checked

    • Import Time Clock screen will close when Import button is pressed.

Edit Employee Hours

  1. Search for an employee

      1. Right-click on name and select Edit Employee from menu, select Hours tab

    1. Hours Earned/Used/Balance are displayed for Vacation, Sick, Holiday, Bereavement, Misc., Personal, and Comp Time are shown in appropriate columns

    2. Hours can be imported from the Time Clock program by using the Import Hours From Time Clock button

      1. In Import Hours window, select the appropriate dates and press Search

      2. Hours from the Time Clock will be displayed, select all hours to import by checking the appropriate boxes then press the Import button.

      3. Imported hours will immediately display in the bottom section of the screen when Import Hours window closes

    3. Hours can be added manually in the bottom box

      1. Starting with the Period Ending Column, type the Period Ending Date in the blank field

      2. Drop down will be in blank field of Type column to select the appropriate type of hours

      3. Insert the appropriate amount of hours into the Hours column

      4. Days column will automatically update with the appropriate percentage

    1. To clear an employee's hours press the Clear Hours button on the Hours tab of the Edit Employee screen

      1. Check the boxes to select the type of hours to clear, then press OK

      2. Totals for Paid Leave/Used column in the upper box of the Hours tab will automatically adjust to show that the hours have been cleared.

    1. Save after hours have been edited or reported