Create display and printer sessions

KB article ID:5017 (permalink)

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Rev. 11.20.21

NOTE: File names and locations can vary from one version of the System i Access/iSeries software to the next. So be prepared to extrapolate.

Create a green screen display session

Have a stand-alone IP-addressed printer, and need to print to it through the iSeries?

Please call Jeff or Kurt at Goodin Associates to create the queue.

Have a printer attached by USB to your PC, and need to print to it through the iSeries? Create a printer session.

Can't create a green screen display or printer session?

Regarding printer assignments

PC JIMS is installed atop the System i Access/iSeries client software. 

When it comes to determining where to send a print job, PC JIMS looks to a given device (green screen session) that's been set up and saved to the appropriate location on a PC. It will print to the printers assigned to that device in the System i Access/iSeries400. In the absence of a device having been setup on a given PC, PC JIMS defaults to printing to the printer assignments made to the logged-in iSeries user ID. This approach to printer assignments allows for flexibility in determining where to send print jobs, which can prove very useful to users who log into PC JIMS at different locations throughout the courthouse.

Note: On the first page that comes up after logging in to PC JIMS, look to the Device block in the lower right of the Session Information section. This will tell you the user ID or the session name that this installation of PC JIMS looks to for printer assignments. --If no session has been setup on a given PC, and no printers have been assigned to the logged-in user ID, an Error will pop-up: “You must assign a Courts printer for your CAE display device or your user ID…” If you get that message, you can get past it, and the logged-in user ID will show in the Device block. But you’ll still need to assign printers to that user ID, or set up a device session on the PC and assign printers to it.