Reconciling Payments Collected by eFileIL

eFile IL collects payments for cases filed electronically. Judici interfaces with eFile IL and records those payments using data provided by Tyler. Payments can then be reconciled by the Court through PC JIMS E-Pay, using the financial records daily reports provided by Tyler.

To reconcile e-File payments, complete the following steps:

 1.  Determine who is responsible for the reclass of pending bonds prior to starting the reconciliation process.

       If the person who is performing the reconciliation will also be reclassifying pending bonds, set screen preferences in the e-Pay software as indicated below. This will ensure the pending bonds report is generated. And it will also take the user to the reclass screen immediately after completing the reconciliation process.

       If someone else is reclassifying pending bonds, deselect the "Reclass Pending Bonds" preference. Do make sure the "Print Pending Bonds" preference is selected so the report is generated.

 2.  Locate the daily reports provided by Tyler.

a.       The file name is formatted as follows: countyname/FinancialRecordsDaily_20172219_######.csv

        Example: IL_goodincountyFinancialRecordsDaily_20171222_023801.csv

3.  Create a folder to save the reports in.

4.  Save each daily report to the folder as a .csv file

a.       Microsoft  Excel window appears > Select “Yes” (keep using that format) 

b.      Open PC JIMS E-Pay > Select ETransactions > Reconcile > eFile

 5.      From the Judici e-File Reconciliation window, select File > Import CSV                              

a.       Browse to the folder that contains the financial records daily reports.

b.      Select the appropriate daily report to be reconciled and open it.  Since this process is automated, each transaction in Tyler’s daily report is automatically checked off in the e-Pay reconciliation screen.

        Note: Complete the reconciliation process per batch. DO NOT import more than one CSV file at a time.

c.     Continue until you receive the “Status” window that notes how many transactions were reconciled. The goal is for all transactions to be reconciled (i.e. 30 out of 30 checked.)

d.       The total of the reconciled deposit displays under the deposit column. 

        Verify the deposit amount shown in the reconciliation screen equals the amount on the daily report provided by Tyler AND the amount deposited to the Court’s bank account.

        Also, ensure the amounts checked in the reconciliation screen match the transactions included in Tyler’s daily report. The “ENV # in Tyler’s report should correspond with the ENV#, case number, and amount in the reconciliation screen.

e.      When all of the transactions to be reconciled are checked, press the Save button.

    Once the Save button is pressed, the user will not be able to terminate the reconciliation.

f.        The EPay Reconciliation - Deposit report prints automatically after the reconciliation process is complete. 

             The user also has the ability to save a copy of the report to their computer. This report is only available during this process and cannot be accessed again once it has been closed.

              To SAVE the report, select the PDF icon.  

g.    The eFile Reconciliation message will appear and the user must press the OK button to complete the reconciliation.        

h.      If it is necessary to transfer the reconciled funds from one account to another, the method of transfer is determined by the Clerk.

i.    Reclassify any cases that had the bond warning “Please note that this bond has not been applied.” The bond on each of these cases must be reclassified.

Searching Transactions

To search a transaction in the reconciliation screen, press Ctrl F (find) and enter the ENV #. The transaction will display if it exists in the reconciliation screen.


If you have problems reconciling the payments, please contact Goodin. Provide a copy of your online bank statement and indicate the deposit amount in question, along with Tyler's daily financial report for the deposit in question. Please include specifics related to the situation. Once she reviews the information, she will contact you. As always, feel free to call her as well. In certain instances, you may need to contact Tyler directly.


Contact Tyler for more information on their financial daily reports or register and watch a recorded webinar at [Cnv- link, but page not found] [555]