E-Filing tools
KB article ID: 810 (permalink)
GAL supports a variety of e-filing tools, depending on who is to use filing:
External filers
Private attorneys (and eventually pro-se litigants)- can use Judici E-Filing or any EFSP certified on eFileIL
Public access for at-court filers (especially pro-se filers)- the court will have to pick one of the EFSPs certified by eFileIL and make it available on a secure kiosk computer.
Internal filers (judges, SA, etc)- options outside of eFileIL
Proposed orders- see Inbox documentation [Cnv- link, link is missing] [555] for more on assigning a filing to a judge for them to review and possibly sign/e-file.
Some notices generated by the Clerk (hearing notices) can actually be stored in Imaging without even going to the Inbox. Filing of court-generated documents:
E-filing from within PC JIMS Imaging and the PC JIMS Inbox, because:
Many of these users already use these tools to view documents, so filing from Imaging is more convenient than logging into a separate EFSP. .
Judges can already use the Inbox to review, sign and file incoming e-filed documents such as proposed orders. The Summer 2017 release of PC JIMS allows them to upload their own documents and run them through these e-signature/e-filing tools.
Filings never leave the county's local area network and wind up stored on the servers of EFSPs and EFMs.