Registration numbers for attorneys and pro-se filers

Registered attorneys

At this point many of our courts have already taken our long-standing advice about making sure that the attorney registration number in PC JIMS is correct for all of their attorneys, and that they don't have PCJ attorney records which actually represent firms.

This was always important in order to allow online access to case files.  But once you have a CMS interface to eFileIL, failure to fix bad attorney records can result in creation of  new/duplicate attorney records.  So, in preparation for firing up everyone's eFileIL CMS interface, we ran a query to compile a list of potentially bad attorney records. [555] We based this on names or registration numbers which look wrong, but limited the search to attorneys on cases filed in the last couple of years (so you wouldn't waste time fixing unused records). 

Please check if your court has anything on that list, and fix as necessary in JIMS (see this document [Cnv- link, but link is dead] [555] for information on how to do that).  

Attorney record for pro-se litigants

Until now, every court made up its own attorney registration number on the attorney record they use to indicate self-represented litigants.  This will have to be standardized to a value of 6677.  Again, this document [Cnv- link, but link is dead] [555] tells you how to do this.