Electronic signatures in PC JIMS

KB article ID:5003 (permalink): available at support.goodinassociates.com/5003 (Google says this path has already been duplicated, need to look into) [555]

Judges and Circuit Clerks can digitally sign documents in PC JIMS Imaging.  

GAL guidance on signing outside of Imaging in a paperless court can be found here.

How to apply a signature to a document

A document has to be​ in PDF format, and​ in​ PC JIMS​ Imaging​. If ​you're working with a Notice Generation document, it will have to be created and exported to Imaging, first.


Once a document is in Imaging​,​ follow these steps:

Note: Judge signatures require an added ​layer of authentication​ when signing documents. As such, their signature needs to be associated in advance with their PC JIMS User ID. It's then applied to documents using the above method requiring a User ID and password. 

How to capture a signature for use in PC JIMS

Judge signatures can be scanned and saved to a file in advance, or they can be captured using a signature pad.


TOPAZ signature pads

Goodin Associates elected to work with ​Topaz Systems signature pad​s because this brand creates just one DLL which works with most of their models. While we tested on a T-LBK-462-HSB-R, PC JIMS relies only on the signature capture functionality of these signature pads, and not on any of the company's proprietary software. According to Topaz, any of their signature pads should work with PC JIMS. They're plug and play: just plug it into your PC and try it. If you have one that does not work, it may be defective or obsolete. Contact Topaz for support.

Want a wireless signature pad solution? 

For in-courtroom application, Topaz recommends the T-LBK460-BT. After one-time pairing (instructions), when the signature pad is ON and within range of the PC, it will connect. The PC's Bluetooth has to be enabled/turned on. The signature pad range will vary depending on the PC's Bluetooth. Given an open courtroom, the range should extend to something like 20-30 feet. Depending on your situation, a USB Bluetooth adapter, like this one, may be required.

Where to buy Topaz signature pads? The T-LBK-462-HSB-R is available from a variety of distributors. The wireless one can be purchased through CDW, ProVantage,  Walmart,... T-LBK460-BT2-R is the current model/release at the time of this write-up.

Note: Topaz also sells signature pads that display the full page of a document to be signed, but our understanding is that these can only be used to sign loose PDFs --that is, not PDF documents in Imaging. Aside from the extra burden of then having to get such signed documents into Imaging, this would tie users to the PDF restrictions Topaz enforces on digitally signed documents --maybe invalidating or even removing a defendant's signature when the judge goes to sign off on the document. At the time of this write-up, the use of this sort of signature pad has not been tested and is not supported.

Scanning signatures

When using a signature pad isn't an option, using a scanner is the next best thing. Provided a high-quality scan of a judge's signature, GAL can ready it for a judge to digitally sign documents in Imaging.

A ​​word on electronic signatures​

While some courts want to start using digital signatures now, ​the rules for electronic signature​s​ ​(as of this write-up) are ​still being decided​. W​e​​ made ​this feature available to accommodate the want, but​ we​ may have to make changes to it once ​the ​rules for electronic signatures​ get defined​.​

​For questions pertaining to digital signature standards, please contact the AOIC.

For a review of the 2014 standards governing the use of electronic signatures, see: http://illinoiscourts.gov/SupremeCourt/Policies/Pdf/Electronic_Filing_Standards.pdf

Signing digital documents in court

Imaging's signature function is best suited to documents (usually e-filed) which are routed to a judge in the Inbox.  For guidance on acquiring one or more signatures in court, see here.