Everyday backup checks

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Check all your backups every day.

While Goodin Associates can assist as needed with client data backup issues, the responsibility for checking and maintaining iSeries and Imaging local and online backups falls to the client.

Types of backup

When you first purchase a new iSeries/AS400 or PC JIMS Imaging system through Goodin Associates, our practice, unless otherwise directed by the client, is to set you up with either a local (on-location) hard drive or tape backup system, and provide you basic instructions for how to confirm the success of every backup. To be clear, it is a separate local backup system for the iSeries and for Imaging. Additionally, Goodin Associates offers online backup services for your iSeries and Imaging systems. Nearly every one of our clients participates in these online backup services. 

Note: online backups are not a replacement for local hard drive/tape backups. For instance, while the GAL iSeries/AS400 Online Backup includes versioned backups, the GAL Imaging Online Backup Service behaves differently. Its advantages, such as near-real-time coverage rather than once a day, are accomplished by continuously mirroring your Imaging document files. Deleted documents are not mirrored, so we can help you restore something you accidentally delete. But all other changes, including modification or corruption of a file, will also exist in the backup copy. On such occasions, access to an older copy/backup of your image files, as could be obtained from an out-of-rotation weekly, quarterly or annual backup, would be required.

Combined, local and online backups provide our clients a very good layer of data protection, with each type of backup offering its own advantages. Consider the following:

These scenarios cast light on the importance of maintaining local and online backups, out-of-rotation backups and checking to confirm that all your backups are actually working every day.  

Failure to check all your backups every day risks data loss. Don't take that risk. 

Consider assigning multiple staff to check all your backups every morning. Assigning multiple staff increases the chance that your backups actually gets checked, so that if an error arises it will be found out, reported and dealt with it.

Check your iSeries/AS400 local backup --using "green screen"

Newer iSeries/AS400s come equipped with an external hard drive for local/on-location backups. Prior iSeries came with a tape drive for local/on-location backups. To check the success of these backups, use the following "green screen" method that pertains to your setup:

Local hard drive backup check

Local tape backup check

Check your Imaging local backup and online backups --using the GAL PC

Click here for instructions on how to check your:

See our Guidance on Prudent Backup Procedures for more on your backups and recommended enhanced backup procedures.


Supplemental iSeries/AS400 local backup check (options)

PC JIMS Check Save Status

This method is NOT as thorough as the "green screen" method. Use only as a reminder to do the "green screen" check.

Daily Backup Report

Receive an automated iSeries/AS400 local (backup to tape or hard drive) Daily Backup Report (optional). Use only as a reminder to do the "green screen" check. --This report can take several minutes to run, delaying the initial activation of the user ID. While the information presented in this report is certainly indicative of whether or not a local tape/hard drive backup is active, it is NOT an adequate indicator of backup success. 

Setup a user ID to generate this report at first logon: